This is the last in a 3-part series where I give my top 5 best health tips; this one focusing on spiritual health. If you are busy, overwhelmed, confused, then these tips will help you to focus on just the best practices that will go further in improving your spiritual health.
If you missed the first two in the series, they are here:
Top 5 Best Physical Health Tips
Having good spiritual health is crucial for overall optimal health. Many people disregard spiritual health because they think if they just go to church once a week, that takes care of it. Spirituality is not the same thing as religion, however. Spirituality encompasses so much more. Read on to find out what I think are the top 5 best spiritual health tips you can focus on to meet the bare minimum.
Audio/podcast version:
Table of Contents
Establish a Belief in a Higher Power
This seems pretty self-explanatory, but I want to elaborate because everyone has a different idea of what a higher power is. For those of you who are religious, you already know what/who your chosen higher power is. For the rest of us, the ones who consider ourselves spiritual, not religious, a higher power can be many things, including nature (which I will cover in another tip!).
Many holistic health experts have said that when someone has a solid connection with something higher and bigger than themselves, they will be healthier overall. I also agree with this. The unhealthiest people tend to be the ones who don’t feel connected to nature, the universe, and themselves.

So, whatever your higher power of choice is, whatever name you give it, it is beneficial to devote time to it in a way that works for you. Tip #3 below will give you some practical techniques to use. Making it personal is what makes spirituality different from religion. See my article on the difference between spirituality and religion to read more in-depth on this subject.
Establish a Connection to Nature
Even if you are religious, a connection to nature is extremely important for our overall health. But for many of us, nature IS our religion. Humans are nature, we are made of all the same elements. To be disconnected from nature is to be disconnected from who you are as a living being.
You may think that being out in nature only helps your body and your mind, but it helps your soul and spirit as well. Going outside can make anyone feel better instantly. Nature and spirituality are profoundly connected, and one will usually lead to the other.

People crave being out in nature when they haven’t had enough of it. You feel the longing in your soul more than anything. Forest bathing is one practice you can do where you will feel the benefits spiritually.
It’s easy to live in the moment when you are in nature. Your mind stops chattering, your blood pressure lowers, and your soul is at ease.
I have another article diving deeper into the subject of connecting with nature.
Meditate, Pray, or Journal
I put these three in the same category here because they are all slightly different methods of achieving a connection with your higher self or the higher power (whichever you choose). Meditation and journaling are two of the best parts of a good spiritual daily routine.
Meditation, of course, has physical and mental benefits as well. But it is something that is more common in spiritual circles. It’s also considered a personal development technique, and anytime you are developing yourself as a person, you grow as a soul. If you have trouble with meditation, I wrote an article about easy alternative methods of meditation.

Prayer might be more comfortable or do-able for you. I’ve heard it said that meditation is listening to God and prayer is talking to God (you can use the word Universe in there, as well). If you don’t consider yourself religious, you can think of prayer as asking the Universe to help you achieve your desires. It can be a form of manifestation.
Writing in a journal, which was one of my top 5 best mental health tips, is another technique you can do that will greatly improve your spiritual health. Journaling can be used along with prayer or meditation, or by itself. Either way, it’s the act of communicating with your higher self/higher power that is important here. You can learn about the mental benefits of journaling here.
Find and Live Your Life Purpose
Studies have shown that those who know what their life purpose is and are living it are healthier and happier. This should be no surprise to anyone. The question is, how do you find your life purpose? What exactly can a life purpose be?
A life purpose doesn’t have to mean a certain job. It can be an overarching career, a mission, or a set of values. It’s living true to yourself and the goals you want to achieve. If you establish a connection with your higher self, you should have very little difficulty knowing what your life purpose is.

Following your heart is also important, because what good is knowing what your life purpose is if you don’t take action? Your heart will guide you by intuition and feelings. A life purpose will keep whispering to you until you listen. You will feel drawn to it naturally, without having to force it.
Life will just flow for you once you start living your life purpose. It won’t feel like a struggle, and best of all, it won’t feel meaningless. We are here to give life meaning. Those that don’t will lack spirit, or passion. If your soul doesn’t feel on fire (in a good way!), you aren’t living your life purpose.
I have a whole article on how to find your life purpose if you need to dive deeper into that subject.
Never Stop Learning, Growing, and Evolving
Humans are meant to grow and evolve. Life itself grows and evolves, it never stays the same, it never sits stagnant. Look what happens to water when it sits in one place, closed off from air, from wind, from movement; it becomes unhealthy to drink, it starts to smell, and become muddy, green, or thick. Imagine yourself becoming like that if you aren’t always moving forward, always learning, always improving.
This can involve many different things, taking courses, reading books, listening to positive podcasts and videos, getting out of your comfort zone, traveling to places you’ve never been to, and spending time with different types of people.

How does this relate to spirituality? By growing and evolving as a person, we grow and evolve as a soul. It’s who you are on the inside that matters, your accumulation of a lifetime (or many lifetimes) of knowledge, experience, and wisdom.
If you don’t know where to start learning about spiritual subjects, self-improvement, or personal development, I have a few articles with lists of experts you can explore. These experts are where I learned the bulk of the information I share.
Self-Improvement and Personal Development Experts
I also give away a free spirituality eBook you can download instantly. You’ll also get signed up for weekly freebies, holistic health tips, and updates!
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