Self-Improvement and Personal Development Experts

personal growth

A large part of living a holistic lifestyle and becoming the best version of yourself you can be is self-improvement and personal development. After you have implemented a physical health regimen, the next step up is to work on yourself, in all areas; spiritually, financially, your personality, your overall success and happiness in life.

In this article, I will continue in this series of giving you my list of experts in these areas. These are thought leaders, teachers, bloggers, coaches, and in some cases, just regular people who have devoted their lives to researching information and sharing the best information with others.

It is my goal to help as many people as possible have access to this information, and by sharing these lists of self-improvement and personal development experts, you can improve your life in all areas.

Audio/podcast version (with a few different experts added!):

List of Self-Improvement and Personal Development Experts

Tony Robbins- Life Coach, Author, Speaker

Perhaps the most well-known of all self-improvement experts is Tony Robbins. If you have only heard of him but haven’t heard him speak, you might want to listen to a few of his videos. You will understand why he is at the top of every list when it comes to transforming your life. You can’t help but be inspired and motivated when listening to him.

The Minimalists- Podcasters, Authors, Speakers

The Minimalists are Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. You have no doubt heard of minimalism; these are two of the guys who helped make the concept as well-known as it is today. Minimalism is good for your mental health, and their books and podcasts help you take the steps to living a minimalist lifestyle. They also cover other areas of general life improvement.

Luke Storey- Life Biohacker, Speaker, Researcher, Podcast Host

Luke has one of my favorite podcasts called the Life Stylist Podcast. He covers subjects ranging from health to spirituality to life hacking. He has devoted his life to researching the best ways to achieve optimal health in all areas. His expertise tends to be in meditation and physical health, but his range of subjects is wide and deserves attention. I like him because of his holistic views on improving health and his determination to find only the best solutions to improving your life.

Christina Lopes- Life Coach, Author, Teacher, Healer

I discovered Christina through YouTube, where she puts out new videos regularly that are information-packed, on subjects such as spirituality, mindset, healing, and personal growth. I have had many a-ha moments listening to her videos.

Marissa Peer- Therapist, Author, Speaker

Marissa does it all; she is a therapist, motivational speaker, hypnotherapist, and author. I discovered her by hearing a sleep meditation hypnotherapy track that put me to sleep every time within minutes, something no other meditation track could do. Her voice was made for it. Her subjects cover a wide range, including personal development, mental health, health, and relationships. She puts out regular videos on YouTube, which is a good starting point for beginners.

Kyle Cease- Author, Comedian, Motivational Speaker

Kyle started out as an actor but is more well-known now for helping people transform their lives. He blends comedy with personal development in a way that keeps you engaged. For those of you who want to improve your life but get bored with other more serious speakers, Kyle is your guy.

Project Life Mastery- Website, YouTube Channel

Stefan James is the man behind Project Life Mastery. Since he was a teenager, he has been committed to exploring all the ways humans can fulfill their potential. Ever since, his passion has been to help others achieve life mastery in all areas, business, career, relationships, health, and more.

self improvement and personal development experts

This list could really have a hundred others on it, but I feel these are a great place to start. In the future I will add to all of these lists of experts and share more of them with you. If you missed the first two, the links are below. With all three of these expert lists, you will be well on your way to learning the best information out there on improving all areas of your life!

Holistic Health Experts

List of Spiritual Leaders

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