Which is better, holistic healthcare of conventional healthcare? Is one really better than the other?

Most people don’t think much about holistic health or alternative healthcare until something forces them to; a cancer diagnosis that makes them realize poisoning their body with chemotherapy or radiation is not the path they want to take; or a chronic illness that requires multiple medications they would rather not be on for the rest of their lives.

But you can increase your chances of better health if you start to live a holistic lifestyle before it comes to either one of those undesirable outcomes.

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What Is the Difference Between Conventional Healthcare and Holistic Healthcare?

In today’s healthcare system, a typical office visit consists of finding a drug to match your symptoms. Alternative medicine addresses the underlying cause of your symptoms.

In essence, alternative medicine aims to heal you naturally, from the inside out, while modern medicine acts as a band-aid, hoping that masking the symptoms on the outside will magically fix the original problem on the inside. It does not work that way.

And I don’t think I need to remind you of all the horrible side effects in pharmaceutical drugs; most of them are worse than the symptom they are treating! Then you need to go back to the doctor to get another pill for those side effects! It’s madness. And a holistic lifestyle can greatly reduce that.

Unfortunately, it is hard to pay for alternative healthcare because most insurance companies don’t cover it. You end up paying out of pocket for most holistic practitioners. This is probably why the majority of Americans still use conventional healthcare.

But you can prevent health issues without spending a lot of money. You can still live a healthy lifestyle on a tight budget, drastically reducing your need for pills and surgery in the future.

Why It Is Important To Heal the Mind

Here is where I am going to bring up a touchy controversial subject. But if you are a fan of holistic health then you most likely will agree.

Most professionals in the holistic health industry understand and believe that the mind plays a large role in our health. “Mind over matter” isn’t just a bunch of random words thrown together for no reason. In other words, your mental and emotional states affect your health to the point that you can either exacerbate or alleviate a medical condition.

Negative mental and emotional states can cause physical symptoms and illnesses, so it is equally true that positive ones can reverse physical symptoms. Most people have experienced anxiety leading to a stomach ache, or stress leading to a headache. My point here is that a positive state of mind will help your body to heal itself. It’s all connected!

Of course, it would be plain stupid to use the power of your mind to heal a broken bone or stop a bullet wound from gushing blood (although sprinkling cayenne pepper on a cut will help it to clot faster!) Modern healthcare is the best choice for an emergency situation, in every case. Only use natural remedies and alternative healing modalities for chronic or acute issues that are not life-threatening.

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holistic healthcare vs. conventional healthcare

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