apple cider vinegar

If you aren’t using apple cider vinegar, you are missing out! Apple cider vinegar is known as one of the superfoods, but it has a few other benefits as well! In this article, I will go over all the powerful ways this magical liquid can improve your life.

Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar is a common drink used by people wanting to lose weight. How it does this is it makes you feel full, so you eat less. Many people who do intermittent fasting also drink apple cider vinegar to help them fast for longer periods of time without getting hungry.

Simply put a tablespoon or two into a glass of water. The flavor is very strong, so dilute it according to your preference. You can also add lemon juice to the mixture, helping to improve the flavor while giving you added benefits of extra Vitamin C, healthier skin, and better digestion. You can also add honey, which really improves the flavor and gives added benefits for your heart, lungs, and cholesterol levels.

It is important to note that vinegar should be taken in moderation. Don’t exceed more than 2 tablespoons a day on a regular basis. There are a few side effects of too much, which you can read about in this article: Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar

Hair Rinse

Apple cider vinegar is great for removing buildup from your hair and scalp, making it a great remedy for dandruff. Using this as a rinse helps keep your hair shiny. And although it smells while you are using it, rest assured that the smell will go away once it is dry. Alternatively, you could also mix some of the vinegar in a spray bottle with water (about equal parts of each), spray it on, let it sit for a few minutes, and rinse it out.

Natural Cleaner

apple cider vinegar natural cleaner

As with your hair, vinegar (any kind) is great as a natural cleaner. Mix with water and add essential oils to balance out the smell. Since it is antibacterial, it works like a charm, with no need for harsh chemicals!

Detoxify Your Body Naturally

You may have heard of using Epsom salts in your bath to detoxify you; apple cider vinegar works in the same way! You can add both of these to your bath if you like. About a cup of each should be plenty.

How To Choose Which Brand To Buy

Most popular is the brand Bragg, which can be found in most grocery stores. If you buy other brands, make sure they use organic apples, and that it includes the mother, which is the name for the strings of protein enzymes where most of the benefits come from. This usually floats to the bottom of the bottle and gets mixed in when the bottle is shaken. If you want to order some from Amazon, click the image below (affiliate link):

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