Your immune system is one of the most crucial systems in the body; without it, everything else falls apart. In this article, I will compile for you all the information I have collected over the years about how to improve your immune system naturally.
General Immune System Boosters

Here are all the general immune system boosters you can practice any time to build your immune system up so that you have a lesser chance of getting sick when viruses are going around. Also, if you have a strong immune system, you can cut the length of time you are sick in half, so even if you can’t completely prevent yourself from ever getting sick, you can reduce how hard a sickness will hit you.
Cut Down on Alcohol. Drinking alcohol decreases your immune system. If you can’t quit completely, at least cut down.
Cut Down on Tobacco Use. Just like alcohol, using tobacco is harsh on your respiratory system and breaks down your immune system.
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables. Again, this is a general piece of health advice, but even more important to ward off viruses. Your body needs the correct fuel to run properly.
Get Enough Exercise. Even going for a walk outside is good enough. Pushing yourself hard isn’t necessary, as long as you get regular movement. Aerobic exercise, weight training, and stretching are good places to start.
Don’t Overeat. When you overstuff yourself, you feel tired. This is a sign your body is struggling to provide you with energy because it is working too hard to digest your food. Only eat to ¾ full.
Relax. Cutting down on stress goes a long way to improve your immune system. This affects your mental and emotional health so much that it reaches over into your physical health too. After all, we are holistic beings, and health (good or bad) is greatly influenced by the mind.
Improve Your Spiritual Health. Feeling connected to the universe is crucial for our overall health. This goes along with the last suggestion of relaxing to calm the mind. When your mind is calm and spirit is healthy , your immune system will improve.
Pay Attention To Your Digestive System. It is a common phrase in Ayurveda that you are not only what you eat, but you are what you digest. You cannot take in nutrients correctly if your digestive system isn’t balanced.
Take the Proper Herbs and Spices For Prevention. Herbs, spices and supplements like Ashwagandha, Echinacea, Turmeric, Goldenseal, Amalaki, Eucalyptus Oil, and Cinnamon are especially good for the immune system. In general, herbs are incredibly beneficial in countless ways. I get all my herbs and spices from Mountain Rose Herbs because they have the best quality products that you can trust are natural and safe.
Get Enough Sleep. Most of us could use more sleep than we are getting. Sleep is when your body heals itself, so don’t feel guilty if you sleep 9-10 hours a day, especially when you want to get over a virus or improve your immune system.
Take More Zinc, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C. Zinc and Vitamin D are as important as Vitamin C so they are worth mentioning.
Let Fevers Do Their Job. Taking a pill when you have a fever is not a good idea, contrary to popular belief. So don’t suppress a fever because this is how your body recovers from an attacking virus. Exceptions to this rule are for children and elderly. They should keep a close eye on fevers and get medical attention if they spike over 103 degrees. But if you are otherwise healthy and your fever is under 103 or 104, let it do its job. There is a reason for a fever and your body knows what it’s doing.
Drink More Fluids. Especially if you have a fever (and may be sweating a lot), drink more fluids. Water, bone broth, and tea are excellent choices. Water is best if it is spring water or reverse osmosis. If you drink reverse osmosis, be sure to supplement with minerals since this process takes out essential minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. It should go without saying that drinking soda will never help your immune system. I cannot say enough about how horrible soda is for you, and even a lot of fruit juices contain extra added sugar. Fresh pressed juices are good though.
As usual, if you already have a health condition, be sure to check with your doctor on how to best manage your condition in combination with any other precautionary measures when it comes to your immune system.
Another blog post with some good general information for staying healthy is here:
Top 10 Things You Can Do Everyday For Better Health
If you prefer to watch videos, here is a playlist from my YouTube channel all about living a healthy lifestyle.
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