If I had to pick the top 10 best things you can do every day for better health, it would be these. This will be a slight variation on the previous posts I have made, just with that fun “Top 10” twist that people find easy to learn from. These are not in any particular order.
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Table of Contents
Get 7-9 Hours of Quality Sleep
Generally, the younger you are, the more sleep you need, but everyone is different so there are no hard rules on this one. On average though, 8 hours is good enough, give or take an hour.
Sleep is when our bodies heal themselves, regenerate cells, reboot the systems, and process everything you did the day before. This goes for physically as well as mentally and emotionally.
Just as a good night’s sleep can give your muscles time to rest, it also gives your brain the time it needs to work through all the mental strains and emotions of the day. You can go a few days without enough sleep without it affecting you too much but minimize the damage by aiming to get enough every night.

I know this is very hard if not impossible for people working many hours, more than one job, or people who have kids. Getting enough sleep is common knowledge yet so many people are sleep deprived on a regular basis, so clearly we need to work on this more.
If you follow Ayurveda, which is the world’s oldest system of natural health, you might already be aware that people who are a Vata constitution might need more sleep than those who are Pitta. And if you are a Kapha constitution, you want more sleep but it isn’t necessary like it is for Vata’s. This is because sleep balances the mind, and Vata’s minds have a hard time settling down and therefore need more processing time
Drink 8 Glasses of Water
Most people need about 8 glasses a day but this is another one that can vary depending on the person. If you are living in a hot climate or if you do strenuous exercise often, you will need more.
The problem is most people don’t drink it unless they are thirsty, but thirst is the body’s way of alerting you that it is already dehydrated. The only way to make sure you are always drinking enough water is to carry some with you all the time and remember to take sips regularly.

The kind of water you drink will make a difference too. Some people swear by those fancy expensive machines, of which there are a lot of different kinds out there that do different things, but for most people just buying spring water in glass jugs works.
Plastic bottle leach chemicals when exposed to light and heat, so by purchasing your water in a glass container, it will be safer.
Reverse osmosis water is good too, however, that process removes helpful minerals like potassium and magnesium, so be sure to take a trace mineral supplement or sprinkle a little Himalayan salt in your water.
Get At Least 20 Minutes of Natural Sunlight
If you live in the North, this will be hard to do, but if you can stand being outside for 15-20 minutes, make it happen. In the South or anywhere in the summer, this is not long enough to burn, but just long enough to get enough sunlight for you to get enough Vitamin D.

Expose as much skin as you safely (and legally!) can, anything helps! Natural sunlight is not only good for the body but amazing for your mood! Your mental and emotional health will improve noticeably.
Eat Whole Foods
Eat as many whole foods as you can, especially leafy greens and vegetables Most people know this but don’t do it for various reasons, but it is worth repeating. Whole foods are any food that has not been processed, in other words, it came straight from the ground or a tree.
You can’t go wrong with fruits and vegetables. Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables are the best, things like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale, etc.

There are many ways to make these foods taste better, so explore the amazing world of herbs and spices, or google recipes online, you can always find something to make it palatable for you! I used to HATE broccoli but then I discovered this seasoning of different herbs and spices and now I can eat a big bowl of it every day!
Meditate Every Day
This is one suggestion that I think actually improves your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health all at once! The statistics on the benefits of meditation are crazy good.

There are tons of ways to do it if you don’t like the traditional style of sitting in silence trying to have no thoughts! I go into detail about all the different ways you can meditate easily, here. I also have a printable Meditation Workbook in my Etsy shop.
Write In a Journal
This one kind of goes along with meditation, it has some of the same benefits, but it is a lot easier and actually fun! If you have never written in a journal, I would recommend a guided one first.
I would also recommend doing a gratitude journal as a beginner. Gratitude changes your life in so many ways, it is by far the type of journaling that provides the most benefits.

Also, I would recommend to just do a diary-type journal, or any journal that gives prompts for you to answer and think about. I do this every night before bed as well as other times during the day when needed.
I have a blog post that talks more about the health benefits of journals and planners to keep your life and your mind organized. I also have a blog post that goes deeper into how to use printable planner and journal pages to transform your entire lifestyle.
Cardio or Strength Training
Muscles burn more calories than fat, and having a toned body helps you look better, feel better, and perform better. It is important to get your heart rate up for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, whether that is through lifting weights, running, dancing, or anything that works the muscles and gets you breathing heavy.

This type of exercise is obviously good for your physical health but also your mental and emotional health. It’s very hard not to smile when your body is buzzing with good energy and your blood is flowing!
Spend Very Little Time Sitting
This one isn’t mentioned often which is why I want to talk about it. Sitting is one of the worst things you can do, especially when you do it for longer than 2 hours at a time.
There is a reason why many companies are buying adjustable desks for office workers so they can stand and work at the same time. Sitting in the wrong position is so detrimental to your body.

If you can sit correctly (back straight, legs flat on the floor) it isn’t so bad, but this isn’t how most people sit. And the way people sit in couches is the worst! I never sit on my couch until I am almost ready for bed, to give my legs a rest. Otherwise, the entire day I am on my feet.
Make Time For a Favorite Hobby
I like to include this one because it is so severely lacking these days. One day of just work and chores will wear down on your mental, emotional and spiritual health. We need enjoyment of some sort. Even if it’s just reading a few pages of a book, do something that isn’t cleaning, running errands, cooking, or working.

If you don’t feel that you have time for a hobby, then this is a sign that you need one more than you think. I believe everyone’s life can use a good evaluation and, if possible, some elements of minimalism introduced. Time is more valuable than money, and experiences are more valuable than material things.
Avoid Toxic Relationships
Stress reduction is hard to do at our jobs but we have more control over the stress in our lives that comes from relationships. Spend less time with people who are angry, judgmental, and abusive. Better yet, cut abusive people out of your life for good.
If this isn’t possible (at least not right now), limit your time around them as much as you can. You don’t know how healthy your mind can be when you are stuck in the pit of a toxic relationship. Put yourself first. Practice good self-care. You can’t pour from an empty cup!

You are the only person in your life that you are always guaranteed to have, so be your own best friend and don’t let others drag you down or stop you from being yourself or reaching your full potential.
I hope you already do some (if not all) of these suggestions, but don’t beat yourself up if you have a lot of improvement to do. I get it, change is very hard! Just take baby steps and incorporate just one of these into your life every day and work your way up to all ten! I have many options for you to get started; keep reading!
I have a holistic lifestyle cheat sheet that lists all the basic fundamentals all on one page. This is a great reference guide to hang on your fridge, laminate, or stick in your binder or a clipboard.

I also offer free printables that can help you implement all the basic holistic health habits into your life.

And if you’re really serious about diving in deep and learning everything I know, I have an online course called Holistic Lifestyle Basics where I go over all the foundational elements of how to be healthy, physically, mentally, and spiritually. It includes 10 videos (shown below), my full-length book PDF, five of my best workbook/planners, and the same free printable checklists shown above.

For more blog posts on things you can do to improve your health, check out:
For more videos about living a healthy lifestyle, click here!
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