akashic records

The dimension in which we live is not the only one. There are parallel dimensions that coexist together. Akasha is the highest of all dimensions. This dimension keeps records of everything from all dimensions together.

The Akashic Records hold all the information about each soul, action, accomplishments, words, emotions, thoughts, ideas, passions, beliefs, intentions that have ever existed. It is a database of everything that has ever happened since the dawn of humanity.

The Akashic Records are the records of your soul from all your past lives, a spiritual history book that you can use to navigate your current life. The Akashic Records hold the information about you that is necessary for you to grow. They include all the experiences you have had in this and other lifetimes, your plans, what karma you have created for yourself and others, the direction on your soul’s journey, and much more.

Put simply, this database contains all information about every soul’s thoughts, ideas, and actions. It includes everything from the past, present, and future.

What Can I Ask the Akashic Records?

You can ask any question to the Akashic Records, and they will provide an answer for you. You can ask the Akashic Records about your past lives and your current life. You can get information on the spiritual development of your soul.

It is possible to get answers related to our life purpose, health, love life, previous life(s), career, business, etc. Plus, it can reveal the whole journey of one soul and show the potential outcomes.

chakra symbols

The Akashic Records are a form of collective wisdom that provides insight into our questions, dilemmas, and desires. The Akashic Records are an invaluable source for those who want to know themselves better or want to find out what is going on around them. They can help you find your true purpose and understand why things happen as they do.

It is said that they can show us how to carry out our life mission and give us answers to some of life’s most profound questions. The answers you may get sometimes can seem mysterious. It is up to you how you will perceive them.

How To Read the Akashic Records

You can search for a master-teacher, someone who specializes in this field. That person can be the link between you and the Akasha dimension. They can also help you understand the answers to your questions by interpreting them.

Another way is to do it yourself using oracle cards and an akashic records workbook. Of course, the outcome depends on your faith, level of perception, belief system, inner gifts, and many other factors. But, if you open your mind, your chances of understanding the answer you will receive are much higher.

Do you want to know a little bit more about your soul journey or mission? Learn about your past lives? Understand yourself on a completely different level, or get answers of any type?

You can open your Akashic Records through meditation, visualization, and prayer (or all combined) at any time. But, of course, you will need some practice. Try to stay open-minded, and of course, ready to get the answers you may not understand at a particular moment.

Why Open the Akashic Records?

Opening the Akashic Records can serve as a tool for self-discovery. The journey itself can help you discover more about your belief system and limitations. You will understand how your mind works on a completely different level. You can uncover all your fears and blockage regarding love, healing, money, relationships, friendships, and more.

At the same time, you will be able to accelerate the process of self-healing. In addition, the Akashic Records help you discover your life purpose and what lessons you need to learn in this life. If you have trouble recognizing your talents, abilities, and gifts, journey through the Akashic Records to gain deeper self-awareness.

chakra symbols

When you decide to open your Akashic Records, it shows that you are ready for change. You may feel stuck or unsatisfied, or you have questions to which you cannot find answers. Either way, you create space for changing your beliefs and habits that don’t serve you anymore.

You are also enabling yourself to feel grounded and loved. However, if you want to access your full potential, first, you need to create a healthy environment in which you will be able to grow, transform and move forward.

The Akashic Records can also help you see how to create a healthier environment and resolve other problems in your life. By asking the records how to resolve problems, you receive answers that you can use to move forward to your goals.

You can imagine your records are like a blueprint of your soul. The more lives you lived, the older your soul is, and the more you’ve gained wisdom and experience. So, if you are curious about whether you were a soldier, a writer, or perhaps a doctor in a past life, you can ask for clarification.

It is an excellent opportunity to learn more about your family ancestry and karmic relationships. For example, if you know your twin flame, your soulmate, or your karmic partner in this life, you may want to see how you connected in past lives. That will allow you to understand why some things happened between the two of you.

Also, you can find out what karmic lessons you had from your past lives. Often, these lessons follow you into your present life. By finding your karmic lessons, you can also learn how to overcome the challenges they’ve created for you in this lifetime.

More Benefits of Reading the Akashic Records

There are many more benefits to reading your akashic records, including:

  1. You will get to know your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones
  2. You will be able to heal old patterns
  3. You will learn why you have certain issues
  4. You will learn why you attract specific type of people
  5. You will be able to establish a balance
  6. You will learn how to trust yourself
  7. You will develop alignment with the divine force
  8. You will uncover all ideas, thoughts, fears, beliefs, beliefs hidden in your subconscious
  9. You will strengthen your faith in yourself and your divinity
  10. You will learn to recognize your energy, vibration and how to manage it

How To Open Your Akashic Records

Opening your akashic records is a spiritual practice where you meditate and focus on your akashic records. It is a way of seeking wisdom and enlightenment. You gain these by connecting to your past lives, as well as the energy of the universe.

It is essential to understand that while accessing this information can be simple, and it does take some time and practice to get used to the layout of the Akashic Records. For many, the easiest way to start exploring these records is with a guided meditation which will help you get in touch with your higher self and unlock your spiritual gifts.

Using oracle cards and documenting what you have learned is a great way to integrate this information better. I have a printable Akashic Records Workbook available for anyone interested in using that tool to help you even more.

Steps to Open Your Akashic Records

1. Find an appropriate prayer that you resonate with.

2. Look for a quiet place where you feel comfortable and free.

3. Focus on the questions you want to ask. You can write them down on a piece of paper.

4. Say the prayer out loud (you can do it several times) and ask for guidance.

5. Choose the body position that suits you.

6. Close your eyes and focus on breathing until your body is completely relaxed. You can combine different breathing techniques.

7. Try to clear your mind and focus on the first question you want to ask. You can repeat the question several times.

8. Keep meditating. (Some meditations are adapted for this purpose)

9. Request access to your records. Repeat several times and continue to meditate and breathe deeply.

10. Relax and wait for the information you will receive through your consciousness (images you may see or thought you hear inside your head)

11. When you feel ready, finish the meditation, and write down everything you have experienced.

12. Repeat the process as many times as you need. The outcome will be different each time.

You hold the ability to connect with your Akashic Records. Give it some time for the answers to come through as you practice. The Akashic Records are a compendium of all human experience and thought since time began. They contain not just every thought, deed, and word from your current lifetime but also all your lifetimes previous. These records can only be accessed by you or another spiritual seeker who has evolved to an appropriate level of consciousness – one who is ready to access these higher vibrational frequencies.

Prayers and Meditations to Access Your Akashic Records

The best way to begin this process is through prayer, meditation, and visualization. However, sometimes it can be so challenging to discover prayer and meditation you can resonate with.

It is not enough to say the words out loud. Everything you say must come from your heart. So, if you have a hard time finding words that can help you open these records, here is a suggestion:

“I ask the divine force to protect me and guide me through my journey. Please put your protective shield that is woven of love and sincerity around me. Help me see and follow the light.

My Guardians, Teachers, Masters and Loved Ones, please allow me to open my Akashic Records and find the answers I seek for. I empower you to channel through me. I trust you. I respect you. I admire you. I allow you to guide me blindly through my mission.

Protect me from any form of selfishness and self-centeredness. Please, help me to get to know myself and see through the eyes of the divine force.

Enable me to understand, experience and share the compassion and wisdom my masters have for me.

The records are open.”

Suggested Meditation

1. Find a place that represents an oasis of peace for you with zero disturbances. Settle in a comfortable position. If you can’t sit while meditating, you can always lay down. In that case, don’t forget to have open palms.

2. Prepare your questions.

3. Say the Sacred Prayer 3 times.

4. Close your eyes and breathe. You can use any breathing technique you like. Breathe deeply and slowly.

5. Pay attention to your body. After 5-6 min you should be completely relaxed.

6. Stay open-minded. Allow your spirit to reach into the higher realms of imagination and divinity.

7. Imagine entering an elevator that travels high, through the clouds, leaves our planet, goes through the universe.

8. Finally, the elevator stops in front of an old, wooden door.

9. The door opens, and you meet your masters.

10. Ask them to let you enter the room behind that door.

11. Did you get permission? If yes, you can see that behind that door is the ancient library. You can feel the smell of the old books and documents.

12. You can touch it, but you do not understand the language in which they are written.

13. Ask your Teachers to find your records and translate them into a language you can understand.

14. Say your question(s) out loud three times. And then, wait.

15. Wait until you get some feedback. That feedback can be a sudden thought that appears in your mind. Or an image.

16. Don’t be surprised or annoyed if you don’t understand it immediately.

17. Memorize the answer(s). Thank your teachers for their cooperation.

18. Ask them to escort you back to the elevator.

19. Go inside and allow it to take you back to where you are.

20. Don’t forget to say 3 times: “My records are closed now.”

21. Open your eyes and write the answer you received.

22. If you don’t understand the answer, let your mind sort everything out on its own. Sometimes understanding the answer comes later.

23. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can always repeat this journey.

If you haven’t already, you can check out the 40-page printable Akashic Records Workbook by clicking the image below. It contains the prayer I mentioned in this article, as well as card spreads you can use, journal pages, journal prompts, and 10 different topics you can focus on.

Akashic Records Workbook

I would love to hear your experiences with accessing the Akashic Records! Leave a comment down below!

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