
For most of the world right now, we have officially entered spring. This is many people’s favorite time of year because spring signifies longer days, warmer weather, and vegetation coming back to life.

Just as the Earth goes through massive changes during the springtime, humans do, too. Many people are unaware of how our bodies are meant to sync with nature, especially during crucial cycle changes like the equinoxes.

The ideal self-care regimen changes according to season, and I have written an article on self-care for fall and winter, so now it’s time to see how our self-care routine should change up for the springtime.

Self-Care Tips for Spring

Eat Seasonally

One of the most obvious changes in our lives when Spring hits is the difference in the seasonal foods that are available. Nowadays, it’s easy to find almost any food you want any time of year, but this wasn’t always so, and it doesn’t do any favors for our health.

Seasonal eating helps our digestive system in many ways which I will not go into in this article but you can check out this article by Dr. John Douillard on how seasonal eating helps our microbiome stay healthy.

There is a reason nature gives us dandelions every spring! They are a free and natural way for us to inoculate our gut for the spring and summer to help prevent colds and flus during the fall and winter.

Dr. Douillard’s information goes way more into detail about what to eat for each season, but to keep it short for the sake of this article; eat more berries, leafy greens, cool foods, and dandelion greens. If you want to learn more, his book The 3-Season Diet is all you need! (affiliate link below-thank you!)

Soak Up the Sun

girl standing in the sun in a field

This might sound like common sense, and I don’t think there’s many people out there who don’t naturally want to enjoy sunshine in the spring, but it needs to be said. Our mental health especially depends on the sunlight.

It isn’t hard to get enough Vitamin D in the spring and summer, since in the northern hemisphere the sun is aimed more directly at us. It’s also easy to get enough sun since our days are longer too.

About fifteen minutes a day, preferably as early in the morning as possible, will also help you reset your circadian rhythm. This is the minimum amount of time recommended, but most likely you will have no problem getting more!

Start a Garden


If you have a yard, starting a garden is a great way to connect to nature, enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, save money on groceries, and get those healthy microbes from the dirt.

If you live in an apartment or a place where you have no access to a yard or community garden, planting in pots is the next best thing. Herbs work especially good for this.

Use Technology Less

no technology

Spring is a time for socializing in person, we’ve all been at home so much over the winter so let Spring be your motivation to get out into the real world more and spend less time watching tv and using your phone or computer.

Going on a technology fast is a great idea anytime of year, but in the Spring it is easier since there is a natural inclination to be outdoors.

Go Camping


If you are a camping lover, you will most likely be counting down the days until the campgrounds open. Camping is one of the best ways you can connect to nature, and also one of the healthiest activities you can do! I also have an article on why camping is healthy.

It’s a great way to practice many of the self-care techniques all at once, including Earthing/grounding, getting sunlight, using your electronics less, and eating outside.

Bring Some Flowers Inside

spring flowers in vases

Freshening up the indoors is easy in the Spring when flowers are blooming! If none are growing in your yard or you have no yard, your local greenhouse or plant nursery will surely have plenty of options!

Not only do flowers make the room smell good, they lift your mood! Having flowers nearby works wonders for your mental health. You can also sprinkle flower petals in your bath.

Start Shopping at the Farmers Market

farmers market

Fresh, local food is good for the pocketbook as well as your waistline! Farmers markets start opening up in the Spring, so there is no shortage of that seasonal food I mentioned in the first tip!

Shopping at a farmers market is also a great way to meet other health-minded members of your community.

Another bonus; extra sunlight!

Do a Spring Detox

spring lemonade on a picnic table

In Ayurveda, Spring is the most popular time to detox. This is because over the winter, we aren’t as active, we eat more food, and that food is fattier. Most people gain weight over the winter which is not only normal but healthy (if just a few pounds). So Springtime is the perfect time to go on a fast, juice cleanse, and/or a total body cleanse.

There are many of these available if you need something guided. I would recommend following a guided program such as Dr. John Douillard’s Colorado Cleanse which is done every Spring. Click here for more information.

Clean and Declutter

spring cleaning

Spring is the most common time to do a full cleaning of your home. Over the winter when we are mostly indoors, things can get messy, dusty, and musty. Spring is a perfect time to clean your house right along with your body!

Cleaning also includes decluttering. Physical clutter equals mental clutter! Spring is a perfect time to declutter your closet, your home, and even your car.

 Eat Outside

strawberries in the grass

Sitting down to a some fruit or a cool spring salad is even more enjoyable when you can eat it outside. Take your dinner to the porch, the patio, the deck, your front step, the local park, anywhere you can comfortably sit. While you eat, take your time and really soak in the sights and smells of Spring! Also, hit a local restaurant with a friend, many of them start opening their outdoor dining areas now.

 Go on a Road Trip

road trip

Now that we don’t have to worry about snow and ice, it’s the perfect time to hit the road for a day trip. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or long-term, just a few hours will suffice.

One of my favorite hobbies is driving to a local town I’ve never been to. There are more than you think! Even if it’s just 20 minutes in a direction you don’t normally drive in. And don’t forget to roll the windows down to air out your car while you drive!

Plan Your Summer

If you haven’t already, start filling that calendar! Even if you are living on a tight budget, you can plan things such as a picnic in the park, a day-long bike ride, or a swim at the local beach.

I have a variety of planners to choose from to help you keep track of all your activities! I have a huge variety of daily/weekly/monthly printable planners.

If you are interested in a comprehensive self-care for all the seasons, I have one just for that! It’s my Body, Mind, and Soul Self Care Planner & Journal and it has a few pages on self-care for each of the seasons.

If you got any benefit from this article, share the love on Pinterest!

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