Having a regular daily routine reduces stress and grounds us, and this routine planner will help you create a healthy morning and evening routine ritual. With this printable daily routine planner, you can easily create a morning routine and evening routine to ensure that you are getting your daily self care rituals in. Using the routine chart to get ideas or to come up with your own, you can fill your mornings and evenings with nurturing activities to fullfill your body, mind, and soul.

8 Pages Total:
✅ 3 pages to write in your routine activities for early morning (4 am-6:45 am), mid morning (7 am- 9:45 am), and late morning (10 am- 12:45 pm) This wide time frame ensures that anyone can use this planner, regardless of how late they get up in the mornings!
✅ 2 pages to write in your routine activities for early evening (7:00 pm- 9:45 pm) and late evening (10 pm – 12:45 am). This also covers a wide window of bedtimes.
✅ Morning routine ideas chart
✅ Evening routine ideas chart
✅ Cover image for use in a binder