When you track your period and monthly cycle, you’ll feel more connected with your body. You’ll be in touch with what is happening by learning your unique rhythm and symptoms.
This comprehensive printable 12-page period tracker will help you:
✅ Learn about the 4 phases of the female cycle
✅ Learn about the fertility awareness method of birth control and cycle tracking
✅ Track your period using a few different types of tracking pages
✅ Determine which days of your monthly cycle you are fertile
✅ Determine your day of ovulation
✅ Know when your period is expected to start
✅ Know which cycle symptoms you can expect and what time of your cycle you can expect them
Includes the following pages:
✅ Cover page for your binder
✅ 2 pages of Table of Contents with a brief description on how to use each page
✅ The Female Cycle 101- Information sheet explaining each of the 4 phases of the female menstrual
✅ Fertility Awareness Method of Birth Control- Information sheet explaining what the Fertility Awareness Method is. (Note: This method works best when you have full knowledge. This PDF contains only the minimum you need to know to use the corresponding pages, but provides a clickable link to the best book about Fertility Awareness so you can learn the full method.)
✅ All-In-One Monthly Tracker page- Record all information including: Day of Month, Day of Cycle, Period/Flow, Cervical Mucus Description, Body Temperature, Moon Phase, Headache, Cramps, Hot Flashes, Acne, Fatigue, Insomnia, Food Cravings, Depression, Bloating, Muscle Aches, Mood Swings, Breast Pain, Irritiability, and space to fill in one not on this list.
✅ Single Period Tracker page- This page lets you track by individual period, with moon phases, dates of start and finish, symptoms, and flow amount.
✅ Blank Calendar page- This page is for tracking your period by the month in a visual calendar format. Fill in your own dates and information. Section at the bottom for notes.
✅ Yearly Period Tracker Page- This page lets you view a year’s worth of periods so you can notice any patterns over the year.
✅ Cervical Mucus (CM) Tracker- This page lets you track your cervical mucus (explained on the page about Fertility Awareness). You’ll be able to circle which type of CM you have as well as circle which phase of your cycle you are in based on the CM type.
✅ Body Temperature Tracker- This page lets you track your basal body temperature (also explained on the Fertility Awareness page). Sections include Time, Date, Temp, and Cycle Phase (determined by the temperature as well as CM)
✅ Stats page- On this page you’ll record any statistics you want to keep track of and recall at a glance:
-Average cycle length
-Moon cycle closest to period
-Moon cycle closest to ovulation
-Common symptoms before, during, and after your period
-Common symptoms before and during ovulation