Research has shown that you can lower stress levels by becoming more mindful, having more gratitude, relaxing, doing grounding exercises and breathing exercises.
Improve your mental wellness by becoming more mindful! This printable Mindfulness Workbook will be your guide.
This mindfulness journal gives you 7 pages including:
✅ “What’s Happening Now?” journal prompts to help you document a moment in time
✅ “The 5-4-3-2-1 Exercise” journal prompts to be mindful of things you are taking in through your senses
✅ “The Box Breathing Exercise” to help you relax, lower your stress levels, and put your body into the rest & digest state (the parasympathetic nervous system)
✅ “Mindful Moments” journal prompts; Record 3 times daily what you notice around you and what feelings you are noticing
✅ “Mindful Gratitude” journal prompts to record what you are grateful for physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and anything else you want to add
✅ “Weekly Reflection”; Basic weekly journal page to write down anything you wish for each day
✅ “Mindfulness Tracker” to keep track of all the things you saw, heard, felt, thought, and learned each day