This printable mental health journal for kids gives them a page every day where they can identify how they are feeling, journal about their day, and identify where they need the most help at that moment.
The second page gives cut-outs with phrases your child can use to express him/herself when they can’t find the words or don’t have the courage. These journals pages are perfect for kids who are strugging with mental health issues already and may have trouble talking with a trusted adult.
Best for ages 8-13, as the words begin at a 4th or 5th grade level.
Journal Prompts:
✅ “How Was Your Day Today?” with emojis of different emotions for circling
✅ “What Are Some Good Things About Today?”
✅ “What Are Some Bad Things About Today?”
✅ “What Feelings/Thoughts Did You Experience Today? answers to circle:
Depressed, Overwhelmed, Proud, Racing Thoughts, Scared, Suicidal Thoughts, Bullied, Tired, Sad, Happy, Excited, Not Good Enough, Anxious
✅ “What Would Help You the Most Right Now?” answers to circle:
Talking to an Adult, Talking to a Friend, A Hug, Listening to Music, Playing a Game, Being Around a Sibling, To be Alone, Dancing, Outside, Taking a Nap, Watching Tv, Taking a Shower or Bath
✅ Cut-Out Cards: I Need a Hug, I Need Space, Someone Is Bullying Me, I Feel Stupid, I Feel Alone, I Feel Worried, I Feel Sad, I Am Scared