Properly manifesting can be powerful and helpful when creating a happy, healthy lifestyle. I recently learned that long ago, it was normal for people to improve their lives in many ways by manifesting with the moon. Nowadays, only Wiccans and Pagans do this, but it should be more widely known.
If everyone just understood how much the moon affects us and learned how to work with it rather than live in discordance with it, our lives would run much smoother. We would also be able to manifest much easier!
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How the Moon Affects Us
Long ago, farmers used the lunar calendar to plant their crops according to the moon’s cycles. Women’s menstrual cycles often are synced up with the moon. The moon also controls the Earth’s tides. Humans are over half water, so it is only natural that we should live our lives in sync with the moon in order to benefit from its energy.
You might have heard that on full moons, there is more crime. This is because in the phase leading up to the full moon and up to 3 days after, emotions and feelings are increasing in intensity.
How to Manifest With the Moon
The first half of the moon cycle is all about building energy, creating and doing. The second half is all about resting, receiving, and being. It’s a beautiful example of how life ebbs and flows. Nature isn’t constantly pushing to create all the time, so humans shouldn’t be either. As the song says, “A time to be born, a time to die…a time to plant, a time to reap….a time to build up, a time to break down.”
This is how we manifest with the moon phases, by understanding the correct times to do the correct things.
Phases of the Moon
New Moon

The new moon is when the moon is completely dark in the sky and you can’t even see it. However, this can vary depending on the source. Some groups of people say this is really called the dark moon, and the new moon is when a tiny sliver begins to light up. Either way, this phase covers a period of a few days and signifies new beginnings, stillness, dreaming up new ideas, making intentions, and hope.
This is the moon phase where you want to dream about your goals and intentions. It’s the best time to start any new project, especially the planning. Action isn’t necessary (although it doesn’t hurt), all you really have to do at this point is get clear on your goal. This could include lots of meditation and contemplation in stillness so you can hear the messages of your soul. This is a time to create space for your spirit to start stirring.
Fun fact: The new moon used to be considered the first day of each month, before there were calendars. To me, this makes more sense, as would starting the new year at Winter Solstice (which is how the Greeks did it).
Waxing Crescent Moon

Now the energy is starting to build, so it is the time to begin taking action steps towards your goal. Contrary to what many people were led to believe by The Secret, you do need to take action in order to manifest correctly. We are in the Earthly dimension where thought alone cannot create things. It is the crucial first step though, but action is another crucial step. Another crucial step is gratitude, which I cover in depth in this article.
This is a time to look forward, not dwell on the past. This is a time to have patience and understand nature doesn’t rush yet it still achieves what it needs to. This is a time for courage, because taking action requires courage to go after your goals.
Think of this time as the beginning of the year before spring when everything is germinating underground. You can’t see it, but nature is taking action and is hard at work on the growth process.
First Quarter

Continue taking action on your goals during this phase and watch out for challenges. You might be tested on how strong your commitment is. This is not a time to slow down your efforts.
Waxing Gibbous

The momentum is picking up even more, so use that energy to continue focusing on action. Make any adjustments necessary. Refine and assess your goals to make sure this is something you want to continue.
This is the moon phase where emotions will begin to rise, culminating on the full moon. Go easy on yourself if you feel more emotional at this time. Channel that energy into your goal. Continue to trust that the Universe has your back.
Full Moon

All the energy that has built up over the last two weeks can now be released. This is a good time to release that energy by dancing, spending time in nature under the full moon. You might also have some small wins to celebrate.
You might feel extra emotional so remember that as you navigate through your life. It is a good time to forgive others. If you are doing any types of spells or rituals, the best kind to do right now would focus on releasing, forgiving, or surrender.
Waning Gibbous

It is now time to relax, regroup, and open up to receive. It is also a time of acceptance, so if you haven’t reached your goals, simply accept the reality and know that you can try again at the next new moon. This phase marks the beginning of waning energy, so for the next 2 weeks, it is best to focus more on being than doing, on self-care more than action.
Third Quarter

Go even further into your resting phase by doing a lot of reflection. This is a great time to meditate and contemplate. Re-evaluate what went right and what didn’t. Adjust your goal if necessary. Release anything that doesn’t serve you.
Waning Crescent

Dive deeper into yourself during this phase by doing more self-care, resting, and going inward. This is the best time to meditate and write in a journal. Continue releasing what doesn’t serve you, and surrender to the Universe. If your goal didn’t happen yet, it wasn’t meant to. This is where patience also is necessary.
Moon Journals and Oracle Cards
I use a few different moon journals which are helpful for keeping track of what phase the moon is in as well as rituals you can do for each moon phase. I like Astrocal’s products, and Yasmin Boland’s products. I use these every single day!
If you’re on a budget or want a printable version of a moon journal, I have just the thing! This is only a few dollars and you can print as many copies as you need forever without having to buy a new one every year. This is just the journal pages, not a dated moon phase diary. You can purchase one or get the moon phases for free online or through an app. Click the image below to check it out on Etsy!
In Summary
The first half of the moon cycle (approx. 14 days) is for creating, growth, writing down your intentions, and taking action. The second half of the moon cycle (approx. 14 days) is for rest, going inward, assessing, journaling, and self-care.
If you have limited time, you can focus just on the new moon and the full moon and this will be sufficient. These are the main two phases that most people work with when manifesting, the others are just supportive and help you dive deeper into syncing your manifestations with the moon.
If you are interested in learning more about natural cycles, this article goes in-depth on how to live in alignment with nature through the days and the seasons.
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