
According to the Center for Disease Control, there are about 35 million people in the United States that have diabetes, and some of them don’t even know it. Even more disturbing news, over a third of all Americans have prediabetes, and most of them don’t know it!

These are scary facts. But living with this disease doesn’t have to be scary.

Can Diabetes Be Cured or Reversed?

Note:  This information is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice.

While there is no immediate cure at the current time, diabetes can be reversed over time. This excerpt was taken from the US National Library of Medicine:

“A significant number of studies indicate that diabetes reversal is achievable using bariatric surgery, while other approaches, such as low-calorie diets (LCD) or carbohydrate restriction (LC), have also shown effectiveness in an increasing number of studies.” (the full study can be found here.)

The paradigm is shifting, slowly but surely.

One major reason why managing diabetes naturally has not been common is because in medical school, they do not spend more than one day learning about proper nutrition. The fact that people who are training to be doctors aren’t even taught the basics of how to be healthy should alarm you.

But you have a choice! You can choose to adjust your diet and exercise regimen to take control of diabetes, and possibly reverse it. Diabetes without medication can be possible!

How To Manage or Prevent Diabetes

Below are some guidelines to help you manage diabetes or prevent it from developing:

  • Improve your sleep
  • Exercise 30 minutes a day 5 days a week
  • Eat a low-fat low-carb plant-based diet
  • Cut down on stress
  • Quit drinking and/or smoking
  • Stay hydrated
  • Maintain a healthy weight

Here is a list of foods to add to your diet that will help you manage diabetes;

diabetes food

Can Diabetics Eat Fruit?

can diabetics eat fruit

This is a common question, and the answer is a bit tricky.

Fruit in its natural form is healthy for you because it contains fiber as well as antioxidants and nutrients. However, fruit that has been juiced has no fiber, which makes the natural sugars in the fruit enter your bloodstream immediately. Juicing fruit yourself is good if you are detoxing and getting your fiber elsewhere, but generally, it is best to eat fruit as nature intended; whole.

Dried fruit is also not as healthy as whole fruit. Why is this? Dried fruit has added sugars, the exact thing diabetics do not want!

I also want to share with you this video by a YouTube guy that I absolutely love! In this video he shows you directly from the grocery store which foods to eat and which to avoid.

Diabetes Resources

Below is a list of credible resources to get more information on diabetes:




If you are interested in learning more ways to improve your health through eating better, check out these articles:

How To Heal Leaky Gut in Three Steps

Five Foods That Can Lower Blood Pressure

Four Things All Healthy Foods Have in Common

How To Eat Less Sugar

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how to manage diabetes naturally

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