What is Earthing?
You have probably heard of this practice under a different name; grounding. Whatever you call it, the activity is the same. Let your bare feet touch the Earth!
Audio/Podcast version:
Earthing is simply a practice where you put a part of your body in contact with the earth’s surface. This can be any part of your body and any surface, but it is most easily done with bare feet. This is the easiest and most convenient method.
This can help ground you, providing a long list of healing benefits for your mind, body, and soul. If you haven’t heard of earthing before, it might sound silly, but it is actually very therapeutic and something you can do just about anywhere.
What Part of the Earth?
By earth, it means any organic surface like the dirt, grass, sand, or water. It doesn’t work as well when you stand on concrete or asphalt.
You will most likely notice better results when water is involved, whether it be actual water, or just moist sand, dirt, or grass. This is because water is a good conductor for the Earth’s grounding energy.
If you don’t have much time, even grounding for a few minutes is better than nothing. But you will notice better results the longer you do it.
Benefits of Earthing
- Reduces anxiety
- Reduces stress levels
- Improves sleep
- Helps to reduce chronic pain
- Helps reduce inflammation
- Relieves pain
- Eases muscle tension
- Regulating your blood pressure
- Better circulation
Of these amazing benefits, the one that most helped me was improved sleep. One time I stood on the beach in the water for many hours, and I noticed that night I was tired before it was even my usual bedtime! I was at a hotel, and I rarely get good sleep in hotels. But after grounding for most of the evening, I slept better than I ever had in a hotel! I knew this was not a coincidence; Earthing really worked!
In case you need proof, here is a study done by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health.
Earthing Indoors
While not ideal, you can also do earthing and grounding indoors. This might be necessary if there is bad weather or you don’t have the opportunity to get outside for long enough, especially with bare feet. If it is the winter, you certainly can’t stand outside with bare feet! That’s where Earthing mats come in.
Earthing mats are made specifically for earthing when you can’t get outside, or don’t have any natural surfaces outside your home. These are great for people who live in apartments or condos without their own lawn. You can order Earthing mats and other gadgets to use indoors at this site: https://www.earthing.com/
There is also a great documentary which I will share here. This is the story of how Earthing/grounding was recently “discovered” as a means to improve health.
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