Heal Your Body, Mind, and Soul Naturally

You want to live a healthier lifestyle, but you don’t know where to start.
You feel like your mind is stopping you from enjoying life.
You feel disconnected from your higher self, nature and the Universe.
Why is it so hard to change?
You’re being misled by fads, trends, and “miracle cures” that don’t work for everyone, if they work at all.
You’re spending hundreds of dollars on programs and products that don’t fix the true cause of poor health and unhappiness.
You’re overwhelmed by too much information about how to change your life so you feel stuck and confused.
getting to the root cause
Disconnection from nature, our higher selves, and the Universe causes a cascade of problems:
Disease, mental illness, and a lack of purpose to name a few!
So, how can we fix this problem!?
align the whole self with nature
Humans make things more complicated than they need to be.
The answer has been right in front of us all along!
Not just in front of us, but all around us…
That’s right … N A T U R E!
Our bodies, minds, and souls all need to get back to nature, and this is where other health courses fail. All three must be aligned.
Returning the body to a natural state without toxins & chemicals
Living in alignment with the seasons
Cultivating mental health naturally and safely
Establishing a connection with your higher self & the Universe
the end result?
The authentic Y O U can come out!
Living your B E S T life
being the B E S T version of you that you can be,
B O D Y, M I N D, and S O U L !

Everything you need to heal your body, mind, and soul
This online course will walk you through every step of your journey to get from Point A (where you are now) to Point B (The best version of you)!
From helping you to plan healthy meals to helping you find your life purpose…
all your bases are covered!
What's all included?
9 Video modules covering:
Aligning to Nature’s Cycles
Herbs & Spices
Mental & Emotional Health
Spiritual Health
4 printable workbooks:
Healthy Lifestyle Planner
Healthy Eating Planner
Mental Health Workbook
Spiritual Health Workbook
bonus #1

Holistic Health Assessment
Body, Mind, & Soul Goal Sheet
Foundations of Physical Health daily checklist
Foundations of Mental Health daily checklist
Foundations of Spiritual Health daily checklist

“Living a Holistic Lifestyle; A Beginners Guide to a Healthy Body, Mind, and Soul”

The Holistic Health Lifestyle Planner
what people are saying about my products:

Only $47
Click the button below to access the course. (cost may vary, Udemy often runs sales)
What makes this course different than other courses about health?
This course doesn’t focus on problems, instead it offers you an entire lifestyle shift so current problems are minimized and future problems are prevented.
Other courses focus on only one specific health issue without recognizing the fact that the body, mind, and soul are connected. Therefore, they must be treated together, as a whole. This course is for creating an overarching lifestyle of whole health.
If this course is just about the basics, can't I just find it online for free?
The information I share in this course is a culmination of 15 years of research, many binders full of notes, and deciphering what was necessary and what wasn’t. It was taken from dozens of courses as well as from a variety of doctors and other experts in the fields of health and spirituality.
I also provide the missing key between learning the information and actually applying it into your life. This is why I created the workbooks as part of the package because the information alone is not enough to make changes and get results.
So, to answer the question, yes, you COULD spend the time researching yourself for free if you wish!
Is the information in the book different from the information in the videos?
The book was the first place I put all the information together, so the book does contain the most in-depth information. The videos put most of the same information into video format with a few other different pieces of information as well. The workbooks contain the basic foundations from the book and the videos and puts them into a format that makes the information applicable in your life.
I wanted to include the book as well as the videos so anyone can absorb the information whether they prefer watching videos or reading.
That being said, if you want to get the most out of the course, I recommend watching the videos AND reading the book, and of course printing off the workbooks and using them. Those are perhaps where most of the magic is!
Is there a money-back guarantee and lifetime access to the course?
Udemy offers a 100% 30-day guarantee. You will have lifetime access.
Only $47
Click the button below to access the course. (cost my vary, Udemy regularly runs sales)