Intention setting and working on your core beliefs are crucial to raising your vibration, which is crucial to successful manifestation. If you are into the law of attraction or just spiritual journals in general, this will be a great addition to your daily routine.
Raise your vibration, set your intentions, and manifest your dream life easily with this printable high vibes journal and planner!
35 pages designed to help you transform your life by adding good vibe activities to your day so you can live in a state of high vibration and more easily manifest the life you want.
✅ Cover for a binder if you choose to use one
✅ Ideas for high vibe activities
✅ Journal prompts to write down why you love each activity
✅ Page to add your own high vibe activities
✅ Monthly activity planner to plan your high vibe activities (set up like a calendar page)
✅ 2 Daily activity planner sheets to write which activites you’ll do each day
✅ Daily activity journal for date, activity, feeling, and notes
✅ High vibe intention page to write date, intention, and breakthrough
✅ Different style high vibe intention page to write date, activity, intention, and results
✅ High vibe self care page to list your body, mind, and soul activities
✅ Weekly activity tracker for 16 daily activities, fill in the circle for each day of the week you did them
✅ Core beliefs journal prompts; what are they and why you believe them
✅ 21 more journal prompt pages