Stay in control of your stress, anxiety, and panic attacks by using these journal prompts. You will learn more about yourself and help keep yourself mentally healthy. Journaling is a therapeutic form of expression that has many benefits mentally, spiritually, and physically!
These printable stress and anxiety journal prompts will help you manage and maintain your mental health, panic disorder, anxiety and stress. There are 200 unique journal prompts, 5 on each page, with room to fill in your answer. Each page has a pastel floral background.
WHO THIS IS FOR: Anyone who is looking to journal for their mental health
Anyone with panic attacks or panic disorders
Anyone with an anxiety disorder or general anxiety
Anyone who wants to relieve and manage the stress in their life
Anyone who wants to keep a therapy journal to compliment their therapy sessions (Disclaimer: This product is not intented to diagnose or treat serious mental illnesses, only to be used for personal use.)