For the past 20 years, I have immersed myself in learning about holistic wellness. I am always striving to find budget-friendly ways to improve my health and sharing them with the world.
My interest in eating healthy started in my 20’s. But it wasn’t until my 30’s that I learned being truly healthy was more than buying organic food and getting the occasional Reiki session. In my 40’s, I learned how a healthy mind and soul is just as important as a healthy body. Now in my 50’s, I am always going deeper into the world of holistic wellness and sharing everything I know.
Since I am almost continually learning, I feel like all of life is my teacher. Books, documentaries, websites, real-life experience, online courses, even YouTube videos, have been a source of neverending information for me.
Courses I have taken or are currently taking include:
Holistic Wellness Coaching Certificate Program- Holistic Coach Academy
Introduction to Natural Health and Healing-Normandale Community College
Ayurveda For Strengthening Your Immune System and Balancing Mind, Body, and Soul- Dr. Marc Halpern
Ayurveda Basics- Janet M.
Journal Therapy- Centre of Excellence
Spiritual Life Coaching- Centre of Excellence
Eat Right For Your Mind-Body Type-Sahara Rose
Naturopath Course- Centre of Excellence
Master Herbalist Course- Centre of Excellence
Growing Your Own Herbal Medicine- Chanchal Cabrera
I would love to hear from you! If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback shoot me a message at Shelly@HolisticLifestyleGuide.com and I will get back to you as quickly as I can! Or join my Facebook group and start a conversation!
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