woman doing a chakra meditation and sunrise

A solid daily routine is the backbone of a healthy holistic lifestyle. This article will focus on spiritual daily routine ideas.

A spiritual daily routine helps you feel more connected to a higher power, nature, and your higher self. Many of the activities are similar to what you would do during any morning or nighttime routine, with a few small changes to help you on your spiritual journey.

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Spiritual Morning Routine Ideas

Let’s start with the morning routine. Morning routines are crucial because the way you start your day will impact the rest of your day. Of course, bad things can sometimes happen regardless, but by starting your day off on the right foot, your mindset will be better and your vibration will be higher.

meditating body with sunrise

You don’t have to do every suggestion on this list every single morning. Some of them are better to do right away, which would diminish the impact of others if you don’t do them right away. So try rotating through them, doing some only on certain days of the week. Whatever works for you!

Keep a Dream Journal

Dreams are one of the most powerful ways our subconscious communicates with us. It’s crucial that we get the message.

Details from your dreams will start fading within a few minutes after waking, so be sure to mentally replay your dream over and over until you can remember it better. You don’t want to spend those precious few minutes scrambling to turn on your light and find a pen and your journal.

I like to keep a clipboard next to my bed holding my printable dream journal pages, with a pen attached. I also attach an amber colored book light to it, that way when I turn it on, I am not blinded. This also keeps my cortisol levels from spiking, sending me into the Beta brainwave state before I’m ready.

Morning Meditation

Morning is a great time for meditation because you are in a more relaxed state, with a fresh blank slate in your mind. It might be the only calm and relaxed moment you will have for yourself for the whole day.

You don’t have to commit to a long meditation session, even five minutes is good enough, especially if you can be consistent with it every day. You can also use this time for prayer, if you prefer. This practice is amplified if you can do this outside while watching the sunrise.

If you struggle with meditation, this article will give some easy alternative ways to meditate that even beginners can do.

Morning Pages

Morning Pages is a term created by Julia Cameron from the book The Artists Way. The idea is to write 3 full pages of thoughts first thing when you wake up.

The point of this exercise is to dive deep into your stream of consciousness thoughts without stopping to think. This exercise will help you to write more creatively, and it has the added bonus of helping you dive deeper into your subconscious mind. This is because when you first wake up, your mind is still in the alpha brainwave state, which is why your mind doesn’t move very fast when you first wake up.

This is the best time to capture ideas from your subconscious mind when you are still half in and half out of sleep. It can be used in conjunction with dream journaling if you wake up with dreams in your head.

Gratitude Journaling

Another style of journaling you can add to your spiritual morning routine is gratitude journaling. I think this is one of the most important types of journaling. Gratitude is also really powerful when it comes to your spiritual growth.

The video below will walk you through two versions of gratitude journals I have available on Amazon and Etsy.

Spiritual Nighttime Routine Ideas

candle and book

Nighttime routines are also crucial to our overall wellness because they help us transition into the 2nd phase of the day where our bodies rest and restore themselves. A body can’t just switch gears quickly, so it’s important to have a nighttime routine.

While nighttime routines tend to focus more on the physical body, there are some things you can do that also fall under the spiritual category.

Nighttime Meditation

I differentiate morning and nighttime meditation because they serve different purposes. You might even find that you would prefer to only meditate one time of the day because the other doesn’t work for you. That’s okay!

Nighttime is my preferred time to meditate because it makes me sleepy. doing it in the morning makes me feel like I’m going backwards. So I like to do it right before bed.

Some people might struggle with nighttime meditation because their minds are still going too fast. What can help with this problem is to put meditation towards the end of your nighttime routine after you have already done some other things to help the mind relax. Journaling is a great thing to do before meditation, which I’ll get into next.

Brain Dump Journaling

Ideally, it’s best to do gratitude journaling at night too, but if you only have time for one type of journaling in your nighttime routine, make it be brain dump journaling. This is crucial to help your brain relax and to help you sleep better too.

Brain dump journaling is also known as freestyle journaling. This is where you simply write whatever you feel like! Most likely, it will be filled with your worries, concerns, fears, and whatever happened that day. Getting all of this out of your head and onto paper will leave you in a better state to meditate, and will improve your sleep as well.

I have a printable Nightime Journal with brain dump page and nighttime journal prompts available on Etsy here.

Use Tarot or Oracle Cards

If tarot or oracle cards are part of your spiritual journey, nighttime can be a great time for this. Give yourself 10-15 minutes to do a 3-card spread or just pull one card. It can be about setting intentions, getting guidance, or just checking in with your current energies.


This is a form of thinking but not in a fast-paced way, and definitely not thinking about your problems. This is more like philosophy. It works good with spiritual books.

The idea is to take a subject or idea and ponder it in either a focused way or an expanded way. Dive deep into what something means for you. Expand your mind, think of ways a subject or idea can pertain to your life, or focus intently on a single point until you can see all sides of it.

This practice can be done anywhere but I think it works best if done during sunset or outside at night when you can see the moon and the stars.

I hope this article has given you some ideas to add some spirituality into your morning and evening routine! If you want to learn more about daily routines, I have a pair of videos called Daily Routines For Healthy Living, part 1 is about morning routines and part 2 is about nighttime routines.

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8 of the best spiritual routine ideas
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spiritual daily routine ideas

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