I think of all the subjects that a holistic lifestyle includes, none are more fun to learn about than finding your life’s purpose. This aspect of spiritual health is so important, I will show you some studies that proved people who found their life purpose were, indeed, happier and healthier! Then I will give you some proven suggestions on how to find your life purpose.
If you prefer the audio/podcast version, listen here:
Studies That Show The Importance of Life Purpose
These studies showed that a purpose in life helped to increase physical vitality and decreased mortality rates: (click the links to read more)
Association Between Purpose in Life and Objective Measures of Physical Function in Older Adults
Association Between Life Purpose and Mortality Among US Adults Older Than 50 Years
Purpose in Life as a Predictor of Mortality Across Adulthood
Ways To Find Your Life Purpose
Now that you know the science, let’s help you find your life purpose! I will share with you an excerpt from my book, Living a Holistic Lifestyle: Beginners Guide to a Healthy Body, Mind, and Soul.
Volunteer, if you have the time. Find an organization in your community that interests you. Doing something worthwhile can be a good way to discover your purpose. This is also a good way to get your feet wet in a career without having to spend money on schooling or waste time working at a job that you decide isn’t for you.
Ask yourself some important questions; When anything is possible, what would you do? What would you do if you didn’t have to worry about money? What do you love to do so much that time seems not to exist when you are doing it? What change are you passionate about seeing in the world? What unique skills and personality traits do you want to incorporate into your life’s purpose? What would you do with unlimited amounts of money once your survival needs have been met?
Explore a new hobby or an old one that you pushed aside. We all have at least one activity we’ve been putting off until a more convenient time. Doing something new and different exposes you to new ideas and thoughts. Some people have too many hobbies and interests and can’t decide which one to pursue. In this case, you can take into account other factors such as which ones fit in with your education, skills, and talents. Or which one fits best with the lifestyle you want to live, what your ideal day and lifestyle would be like.
Start a vision board and display it where you will see it every day. Vision boards are something you can attach pictures, quotes, words, or anything else that you want your ideal life to include. Just be sure also to spend time taking action and being on the lookout for opportunities in the form of baby steps to your goal. A fulfilling life of purpose doesn’t usually happen overnight.
Get a journal. Write in it either first thing in the morning or last thing before bed, when your mind is calm and stress-free. Write down what your ideal day would be like. Project yourself into the future and imagine that your life is virtually perfect. What would your life look like?
Now that you know what the end looks like, what can you do today to take the first step in that direction? Let yourself keep writing without editing and second-guessing anything you write. Write whatever comes to your mind. Just write every thought, and do this for a reasonable amount of time, up to an hour or more if necessary. Don’t stop until your mind feels empty. The longer you do it, the more words you will purge from your mind.
It is even helpful to meditate before doing this, or while you are doing it to have some calming music on in the background, or while sitting outside in nature where it’s quiet. Really let your thoughts run wild! Often little gold nuggets will be set free during this process, even embedded in a sentence about something different entirely. You never know what the subconscious mind will bring forth when you unlock the door!
Take a course. This will be the funnest course you ever take, I promise! I recommend Leo Gura’s course on his website Actualized.org, called The Ultimate Life Purpose Course.
It’s important to remember a life purpose may not just mean a career or a job. You might decide that your life purpose is to be a good mother, or volunteer with those less fortunate, or anything else that doesn’t involve getting paid. As long as you feel that you are fulfilled, that is all that matters. But you should not stay at a job that drags you down; there is no use in living your purpose doing good in the world if you are going to be miserable for the other part of your day.
If you are looking for a structured, guided planner/workbook/journal to help you find your life purpose, I have just the thing! Just click the image below:
If you would like to dive deeper into finding your life purpose and you love reading books, I have the perfect book to recommend! You might have heard of Sahara Rose, the amazing spiritual teacher and host of one of the most popular spiritual podcasts in the world, the Highest Self Podcast. She recently wrote a book called Discover Your Dharma (another word for “life purpose”), and even though I already knew my life purpose, I loved this book! I have to share it with my readers! (the image below is an affiliate link, so thank you if you purchase through this link!)
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